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Areas of Focus


Pre-retirement: We will analyze your current resources and monthly savings to determine your readiness for retirement. This includes making sure you are saving enough, investing properly, and staying on track. Making sure you can retire comfortably, on your terms, is of utmost importance to us.

Retired: We will analyze your current assets, expenses and sources of retirement income, to determine your ability to maintain your current lifestyle. We will work with you to distribute retirement assets efficiently, manage annual required minimum distributions, and control levels of investment risk.

Investment & Analysis

After helping you determine your risk tolerance and time horizon, we will construct a diversified portfolio tailored specifically to your investment and planning goals. We will then monitor and rebalance your portfolio to maintain established asset allocation targets.

Income Tax

We will help you understand the tax implications of the financial assets you own. Maintaining an appropriate balance of non-qualified, pre-tax and tax-free assets can significantly improve your financial flexibility now and in retirement. We will also analyze your income tax return to identify planning and tax minimization strategies.

Estate Planning

We will guide you through the many facets of estate planning, including properly titling your assets, reviewing beneficiary designations and analyzing your wills and trusts. We will partner with your attorney to maximize the transfer of wealth to your heirs.

Education Planning

We will analyze the estimated assets and funding required to meet your children’s education goals. In addition, we will guide you to appropriate college savings vehicles.

Executive Compensation

We will help you understand your executive compensation packages and integrate them into your overall financial plan. These packages can include deferred compensation, company stock options, restricted stock units (RSU), and bonus plans.


We will determine your need for insurance and review all existing life, disability, and long-term care policies, to ensure you have adequate coverage to protect you and your family.

Cash Flow & Spending

We will help you determine your current cash flow and standard of living. In addition, we will help you capture excess dollars, and apply those dollars towards your financial goals.

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